Classic Valuation

The future is as much about

opportunities as about risks.

Richard de Neufville

Classic Valuation

An independent expert evaluation of the future of an entire company, a fractional interest, or individual business assets, as of a specific event on a specific date, past or present.

Grounded in finance and accounting. Requiring mastery of many fields + the ability to weave these into a realistic, defensible story. Craft – part science, part art, woven together with instinct and intuition.

We apply our craft to the following valuation matters:

  • Regulatory and tax reporting:
    • Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)
    • Purchase price allocations and related
    • Share-based compensation
    • Estate and gift tax requirements
  • Fairness opinions
  • Corporate planning and transactions

To further explore ways we can be of service, reach out. We look forward to hearing from you.